Astrology. Learn to ride life's waves through the lens of astrological placements and movements of planets.

Personal planet include Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars and Mercury. These effect your personal life and you may see manifestations from small to large in the daily workings of your life. Outer planets, or generational planets, include Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto (yes Pluto) ! These will have some influence in your personal life but also on a larger, collective level such as in communities, nations or political arenas.
I use astrology for personal development and diving deeper into the Self or Psyche by studying placements in the natal chart. Your natal chart is a snapshot of the very moment your were born. It is your souls blueprint and gives insight into where you may have good fortune or where you may have challenges. It is not the end-all-be-all. The blueprint is simply a guide that gives clues to where your best potential and/or opportunities lie. Some say fate exists in the chart and indeed it does, but so does free will. Some things you are destined to experience, but how you experience them is up to you.